
TNA and Smashing Pumpkins singer, Billy Corgan, have recently ended negotiations regarding an original song Corgan was going to record for the company.

Billy Corgan, who is a huge wrestling fan and has worked with the original ECW and Ring of Honor in the past, was in talks with TNA about recording an original song for them to use on Impact and pay per views. He had originally agreed to do it for free and was even willing to do a media tour co-promoting both TNA and the song, along with his upcoming 20th Anniversary tour with the Smashing Pumpkins.

However, the deal is apparently off the table as once TNA legal got involved, the discussions started to stall. With each side placing blame on one another, the negotiations obviously weren’t able to get too far. DVD rights were said to have been an issue although a source close to Corgan said it wasn’t.
